Estelyn LaHive

This memorial video for Estelyn, affectionately known as "Esty," showcases some of the most advanced restoration techniques available. It starts with a strong intro sequence, but the second song (and the transition into it) is one of our favorite moments. We meticulously restored dozens of hours of footage from VHS tapes of 8mm film rolls - employing frame-by-frame color correction and pitch adjustments to naturalize voices across the different frame rates between the two formats.

Leveraging the latest in AI-assisted techniques, we were able to perform facial recovery and upscaling on many images - bringing vintage footage to life with remarkable clarity. Damaged photographs were carefully restored, colorized, and enhanced to their original brilliance, while the use of 3D depth mapping elevated flat images into immersive, cinematic experiences. These technological innovations combined to create a tribute as fun and vibrant as Esty herself, celebrating her love for dancing, feather boas and her ability to captivate any room she entered.

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